卢 柳 䃅

卢 柳 䃅 LU Liu Di

Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Mathematics

Section of Mathematics, University of Geneva

I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the Section of Mathematics, University of Geneva, working in the group of Martin Jakob Gander. I obtained my PhD on September 29th, 2021, from the Laboratory Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne University (UPMC) under the supervision of Julien Salomon. During my PhD, I spent one year at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, where I collaborated with Olivier Bernard.

My research interests lie in scientifique computing techniques, particularly domain decomposition methods and their applications to PDE–constrained optimization problems. I am also interested in modelling, optimization and control problems arising in microbial ecosystems.

  • time parallel methods
  • domain decomposition methods
  • PDE–constrained optimization
  • optimal control
  • mathematical modelling
  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2021

    Sorbonne University (UPMC)

  • Master in Mathematics and Applications, 2018

    Sorbonne University (UPMC)

  • BSc in Mathematics, 2016

    University Claude Bernard Lyon 1


Research School IMPDE2023
Minisymposium on Non-overlapping domain decomposition methods


  • liudi.lu@unige.ch
  • Rue du Conseil Général 7-9, Geneva, GE 1205
  • Office 511 on Floor 5