I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the Section of Mathematics, University of Geneva, working in the group of Martin Jakob Gander. I obtained my PhD on September 29th, 2021, from the Laboratory Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne University (UPMC) under the supervision of Julien Salomon. During my PhD, I spent one year at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, where I collaborated with Olivier Bernard.
My research interests lie in scientifique computing techniques, particularly domain decomposition methods and their applications to PDE–constrained optimization problems. I am also interested in modelling, optimization and control problems arising in microbial ecosystems.
PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2021
Sorbonne University (UPMC)
Master in Mathematics and Applications, 2018
Sorbonne University (UPMC)
BSc in Mathematics, 2016
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1